Negotiating New Car Prices – What Not To Do

Last updated 17th January 2025 – #4 in New Car Buying Tips

negotiating new car prices

Don’t make extremely low offers

Here's why…

When negotiating new car prices, you'll always achieve the best end-result if have your pricing and product research done – it’s best not to appear ignorant and/or lose the trust and favour of the consultant you’re dealing with – trust and favour are needed to land the best of deals.

Don’t mention of prices quoted or mentioned elsewhere

negotiating new car

Here's why…

This can really inhibit your ability to negotiate the right end-result for yourself. Aside from that, it only makes things awkward when someone who can potentially help you starts digging for specifics. It’s actually best not to mention any other dealers or pricing. Really.

If you're truly set on negotiating your new car deal yourself, the best way is to simply…

1. Do your research.
2. Choose the right new car for you.
2. Test-drive your potential new car or cars.
3. Get a feel for drive-away pricing, then…
3. Make an offer you’re prepared to stand by.

Don’t attempt to hold a ‘Dutch Auction’

Here's why…

There’s no better way to compromise your ability to secure a better than average deal than to hold a ‘Dutch Auction’ that is: approaching suppliers saying “I have X price from John Smith Motors, now what can you do?” …

…It’s particularly precarious when you’re trading a car in because dealers and trade buyers talk. Often buyers (even in a large city) are being called to price the same trade-in car (all the dealers want to trade with the best operators) … yes several dealers will call the same buyers – pretty soon the price of your car, and the new car, freezes.



If you're set on the new car model you intend buying and you’d like to get the best price without going through all the usual headaches and drama of negotiating the price yourself, click the link below:

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